
4.1 ( 7201 ratings )
Jogos Ensino Pedagógico
Developer: Michael Jablonski

MaroonToken is the ultimate social experiment. Challenge your friends to participate in multiple social dilemma environments. Find out who is greedy, who shares, and who doesn’t tell the truth. All while learning about social psychology in a fun game.

MaroonToken is a friendly experiment game based on sharing and exchanging tokens in an attempt at greater reward. The game is designed to allow groups of different sizes to interact in social dilemma environments. There are two types of funds involved: 1) A private or personal token fund which is an in-game collection of tokens belonging only to the participant. It is not shared with other participants. 2) A group token fund that is an in-game collection of tokens shared among all participants. The social dilemma faced is that it is always in an individuals personal self-interest to not contribute to the group at any given point in time. However, if all participants only contribute to the individual private fund and never the group fund, all earn less in the long run and the public good is not provided.

The experiment game has different customizable options involving number of rounds, round time length, starting tokens, fund multipliers, hypothetical real-world worth of tokens, and visibility of these options to the participants.

At the start of each round, each participant will begin with a set initial private token amount and the group begins with a set initial group token amount. During each round, a participant can give and/or take tokens to/from the group limited by set maximums. At the end of each round, the group fund will be multiplied and redistributed equally among all participants (even if a participant has not contributed to the group fund). The private fund will also be multiplied but remains with that participant. The experiment shows the results before beginning a new round.

At the conclusion of the experiment, the decisions and results optionally may be exported for further study.

Setup a customized game today and challenge your friends in the MaroonToken experiment!